outlander n. A stranger.
collective adj. Of, relating to, characteristic of, or made by a number of people acting as a group.
We have several channels not available to the general public ranging from local events, the dankest memes and nsfw content. In order to become a member you must be sufficiently active (at least the occasional comment or post) and be voted in by the moderation team. We try our best to promote people automatically but if you've been active and we missed promoting you, please DM a mod. Note that long periods of inactivity (28 days+) will see you dropped from membership and eventually pruned from the server. If this happens, you're welcome to rejoin and get your membership back - just ping a mod.
Politics is a channel for mainly debating about politics. You must opt-in to it, and you must be a member to do so. Please engage in debates, not arguments and be mindful of using good sources. Please don't be surprised if a post is met with a counter-argument - politics is not an echo chamber.
These channels have the nsfw flag set on them, which means Discord will prompt you before being able to view them. All nsfw content should be posted to these as appropriate. Please be mindful that Discord is not very private and any uploads are viewable outside the server - it's probably not a great place to post your private selfies.
We try to have at least one server-wide game going at a time, typically something cheap or free to play when possible. We also love movie nights and organized activities!
To get connected, launch the game, and select:
Play > Online Play > Find Servers (bottom left) > Display all Servers & Settings (top center) > Direct Connect (bottom center) > Enter
and connect
Password is in Discord (#V Rising
and should be pinned).
As always you are welcome to invite other friends, but please only invite those people whom you want to play with and trust to be friendly, respectful players.
Clans in V Rising are the basis of sharing Castles and the like and also give looting permission.
There is a default clan everyone is welcome to join, alternatively you are welcome to branch off and form your own clan. If you want into the default clan, a player currently in the clan must be online and invite you. Feel free to ask in the channel if needed.